Depending on your budget and objectives a plan is custom developed just for you. One day decorating, whole house remodeling, providing curb appeal ideas or finding the special pieces to complete your home décor are all possibilities waiting for you.
The first step is an initial consultation in your home. During this visit, we work together determine what you like and dislike about your home. We discuss how you use your space today and what your plans are for the future. I will get a sense of your personal decorating style and ask some questions about what your desired look is. Depending on your overall goals and financials I will recommend the best next step.
Redesigns and Home Staging are similar. Rooms are decorated in a day, using furniture and accessories you have. The primary difference is how many items are used in the room. Redesigns are used when you plan to stay in your home. Redesigns make it really comfortable, yet looking like a showcase. Home Staging (also called Real Estate Redesign) sets up a room to look as large as possible with a cozy feel. Home Staging prepares a home so potential buyers can visualize their belongings in the home. The process begins by removing everything from the room. With a blank slate, the designer places furnishings, artwork, lighting and accessories. Placement is based on design elements, desired function and architecture of the room.
Have you recently moved?
Having a party soon, but don’t feel ready for others to come visit?
Are you planning to move?
Want a pulled together look without spending a fortune?
Downsizing homes?
Have no idea where to start with your home decorating?
Upgrading homes?
Tired of your house?
Not sure where to put your most favorite new purchase?
Working too hard to mess with the details?
Getting married?
Have a spouse that does not agree with your decorating style?
Merging households?
Want to update your home décor quickly?
Never knew where to put the couch or TV so you can enjoy it?
Keep moving furniture around, but not satisfied with the room?
Want new furniture, but not sure what is the right piece?
Interior Redesigns are great for homeowners that are looking for a pulled together look using things they currently own. Redesigns are a low cost decorating option that can be done without purchasing a thing. It is like a make over for your home. Alternatively, Ready, Set, GOrgeous can also add a few key items for the homeowner to consider purchasing after the redesign is complete, or your newest additions can be incorporated into the design for you.